Greatest Blog Ever

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blogged Up

It has been nearly nine months since we last blogged together. If you can recall correctly, or retain usage of your scrolling finger, you will remember that our last blog together had a sexual under/overtone. It was a very fertile evening, one that we shall not soon forget. After spellchecking one another and admiring each other’s grammar in great detail, we soon departed ways. Little did we know, a little fetal concept was conceived deep in the womb of our brains. During the 9 month gestation period that followed, our brains grew in terrible proportions with the blognancy. We had sudden cravings for knowledge of weird combinations; we devoured poetry dipped in differential equations, philosophical linear systems, and agricultural economics smothered in the droppings of hyper psychologists. In the mornings we awoke with terrible sickness, spewing garbage ideas such as Racial Profiles, Lost Translations, Garden Woes, Great F-ing Weekends, and Danis. Our apologies to those who got spewed on. After the first trimester, our typing fingers began to swell with anticipation of the milky ideas to come. Soon after, we were feeling the ideas kick around in each others’ heads. We began to think up headings for this blog, but we wanted the theme to be a surprise, so we had to come up with two titles. 

Two nights ago we peed our pants with excitement, and we knew that the little wonder was on its way. We rushed to the computer lab quick as the dickens! “It’s gonna be great, that’s it, breathe, breathe!” we cried to each other. The computer was slow in starting up. We thought about overclocking the computer to ease the process, but then realized we wanted to experience the natural miracle of our blog. It was a painful, yet joyous experience.

We asked the webmaster what theme it was, and he said, “it’s a beautiful five paragraph, 28 sentence long baby boy!” We didn’t really know what he was talking about, but we cried with joy at the sight of our newborn blog. Once we were done typing, we spanked the post button at the bottom of the page, and the blog cried out into cyberspace. We were ready to disconnect the ethernet cord!

We wrapped it in swaddling navy-green and orange eye of the liger background, and held it on our monitor for a few moments. We milked the blogging concept for all it was worth, long into the night. It was quite draining. In the morning, we were allowed to take it back to our homepage. It shit all over other bloggers pages, desperate for attention.

We plan to nurture this blog and raise it properly to someday make a real domain name for himself and find his place in the world (wide web).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is the baptism?
Love, Dani and Lisa

8:22 PM

Blogger Reido Bandito said...

I'm speechless.
I am without speech.

10:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few thoughts...
1) Thank you for confirming that paragraphs can be one sentence long. Please tell my home room teacher.
2) Craig wrote most of this. It's not that Jay doesn't have good ideas; he just doesn't know what gestation is.
3) Please, a little decency -- your RJ-45 is showing.

11:24 AM

Blogger Mela said...

Wish you guys were nearer each other so I could see more of these. :)

12:08 AM

Blogger r.c.f. said...

what RL LePage said.

12:54 PM

Blogger Mark said...

Wow. Total ridiculousness defined.

5:32 PM

Blogger Kathlyn D said...

congratulations on this new gift of life.

12:07 AM

Blogger Dena said...

How do you do it?

9:07 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

My good eye teared up a little bit reading this; I'm absolutely moist with delight. Subtext is my favourite part of discourse because I like to be on top.

4:05 PM


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